·       Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites, infects all life forms on earth.

·       Host range of viruses vary from a Bacteria to a huge eukaryote.

Plant viruses

·       Infects plants.

·       Mostly RNA as the genetic material, single or double-stranded, majority are rod-shaped, size ranges from 300-500nm.

·       Tobacco mosaic virus is a plant virus that has single-stranded RNA as the material.

·       Double-stranded DNA as genetic material is the cauliflower mosaic virus.

Animal viruses

·       Infects animals.

·       Major are DNA, helical and icosahedral, Ebola virus is long like a thread

·       Genetic material of animal viruses is made of double-stranded DNA or RNA, single-stranded DNA or RNA.

·       Herpesvirus and poxvirus are viruses made of double-stranded DNA.

Infections that occur through animal viruses to humans are called zoonotic or viral zoonoses - rabies and yellow fever. 

Plant viruses

Animal viruses

Infects plants

Infects animals

Majority are made of ss RNA.

Animal viruses are mostly consisting dsDNA.

In plant cells, viruses enter through damages or wounds.

Horizontal transmission - a virus infects a plant by entering through the epidermis broken by herbivores and other factors (virus from external source)

Vertical transmission - to the plants from their parents via infected cuttings, buds, or seeds .

In animals cells enter through endocytosis.


Modes of transmission varies from airborne, water borne, vector borne, zoonotic, etc.,

Plant viruses may be used as vectors to transmit the gene of interest in plants.

Animal viruses may be used to produce various types of products using techniques of genetic engineering.

The tobacco mosaic virus and bean mosaic virus are some examples of plant viruses.

The Rhinovirus, HIV, and hepatitis B virus are some of the most common animal viruses.

Cauliflower mosaic and potato leaf roll are some of the diseases caused by a plant virus.

Smallpox, aids, polio, and mumps are some of the diseases of animal viruses

Disease caused: Leaf curling, chlorosis, blisters, necrosis and mottling

Disease caused: AIDS, polio, influenza, rabies, hepatitis A, smallpox, and covid-19


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