Chicken Pox - Varicella Zoster Virus
· VZV causes chickenpox (varicella) upon recurrence, and causes herpes zoster, or shingles.
· As an alphaherpesvirus,
VZV shares many characteristics with HSV.
· Causes Clinical chicken pox
(primary infection).
· 90% of cases before age 10, peak
incidence 2-8 years.
· Recurrent infection - shingles
(herpes zoster) in adults.
VZV is seen worldwide and is highly infectious,
Human is the only natural host of the virus.
1. Virus transmission and
· Virus entry through inhalation –
airborne transmission.
· Direct contact.
· Vesicle fluids.
Viral particle size: 180-200nm in diameter.
Lipid envelope encloses the icosahedral form of the nucleocapsid.
DNA is linear, Smallest genome.
Replicates slower.
2. Replication
· Replicates in the respiratory tract (mucosal
epithelial) and invades lymph nodes.
· Local replication is followed by
spread to tonsils and other regional lymphoid tissues, where VZV gains access
to T cells.
· Virus envelope glycoprotein
binds to mannose-6-phosphate receptor8 or myelin-associated
T cells then deliver the virus to cutaneous sites of replication.
Viremia: spreads the virus to target organs.
period 14-18 days.
Belong to the alpha herpesvirus subfamily
of herpesviruses.
Double stranded DNA enveloped virus.
Genome size 125 kbp, long icosahedral capsid (shaped like
mainly occurs via droplets or particles in the air.
4. Pathogenesis
· VZV is generally acquired by
inhalation, and primary infection begins in the tonsils and mucosa of the
respiratory tract.
· The virus then progresses via the
bloodstream and lymphatic system to the cells of the reticuloendothelial
· Reticuloendothelial system –Phagocytic
Cells in fixed tissues (Liver, Heart gall bladder).
· A secondary viremia occurs after 11
to 13 days and spreads the virus throughout the body and to the skin.
· The virus infects T cells, and these
cells can home to the skin and transfer virus to skin epithelial cells.
· The virus overcomes inhibition by
interferon-α, and vesicles are produced in the
skin and cause lesions in successive crops.
· Fever and systemic symptoms occur
with the rash.
· The lesions are superficial and all
the stages
Papule, Vesicle and scab.
· The virus becomes latent in the
dorsal root or cranial nerve ganglia after the primary infection.
· The virus can be reactivated in
older adults when immunity wanes or in patients with impaired cellular
· On reactivation, the virus
replicates and is released along the entire neural pathway to infect the skin,
causing a vesicular rash along the entire dermatome, known as herpes zoster,
or shingles.
· This damages the neuron and may
result in post herpetic neuralgia.
Mechanism of spread of varicella-zoster virus (VZV) within the
Clinical Symptoms of Chickenpox
· Rash appears first on the head, neck, and trunk.
· Vesicles contain clear fluid (itch).
· New vesicles appear during the first
· Mild fever, malaise, headache.
· Recovery in 2 weeks.
· Adult infections are more severe
infection (encephalitis).
6. Laboratory
o Specimen collection - skin lesions,
respiratory specimens, or organ biopsy specimens.
o Immunofluorescent antibody staining
o Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) - vesicles,
scabs, maculopapular lesions.
o In-vitro cultivation - Human
Diploid Fibroblasts (MRC-5 cells), melanoma (MeWo) cells, or retinal pigmented
epithelial (ARPE-19) cells.
o These cells are also used to
isolate VZV, research, and vaccine preparation.
7. Treatment
· ACV, famciclovir, and valacyclovir
· Live attenuated vaccine Oka (VARIVAX)
– 2 doses, Intramuscular or Subcutaneous administration, VARIVAX approximately
0.5 mL.
· First dose is administered at 12 to
15 months of age.
Second dose is administered at 4 to 6 years of age.
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